Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh dear here we go......

So I begin this blog with much controversy among my friends. I really don't know why its a shocker, especially to those who know me best. I am unapologetic about my frank opinion on sex, and the various topics revolving around sex. In actuality I am unapologetic when it comes to many of my beliefs and opinions. Now this blog is written by a crazy mom of four, (fifth on the way), who really just wants to have a place where things can be discussed openly and honestly without censoring. I am by no means an expert, so PLEASE ask your physician if there are any concerns you might have in regards to anything I will write. Now that the disclaimer mess is out of the way, let me tell you about me.

I grew up in Germany, and because of this I have a frank open opinion about sex. Over the years I have come to notice that not everyone shares my opinion, that all things should be laid out on the table, but why? Its just sex people!!! We all do it, whether your good at it, or some improvement is needed, we all find ourselves chasing the big OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH........................Now I am a faithful church going christian who loves the Lord, and my family, but I don't think that, in any way makes a difference on whether or not your sex life is good, God wants married people to have sex, or else it wouldn't be so enjoyable, think about that.
 I think we are beyond the thought that sex is just for procreation right? If I am wrong in this, I am going to have to do a lot of praying, because I really like sex ;-) Now my husband Tommy and I have only been together going on five years, we both weren't squeaky clean from the get, and I am thankful for that because he is oh so good at what he does, OMG did she just say that??? Yes people! "I like to get it in" as Snookie would say, and we do it as much as possible! So I hope the shock value has worn off now, and we can settle down to the nitty gritty. This blog is designed to answer those hard to ask questions in honest down to earth ways. I want people to comment and ask "Hey is -------- normal, does it happen to everyone"? I will then do my best to answer them. I also want to share some of my own tips and tricks, because after all I do keep my hunny coming back for more.
First tip of the day.... Read my bog even if it's for a laugh, you just might learn something you didn't know.


  1. LMAO! WHAT!?!?!?! Angel I love you girl! You are braver than me! Amanda L. ;-)

    1. And I love you lady! Being brave has nothing to do with it. I was just blessed with the abnormal love of snubbing my nose at the world.
