Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I like it here.....

So brainstorming with the hubby got me thinking of the first rule of good sex. BE HONEST! If it doesn't feel good, say so. Don't continue to fake it, (which we have all done) be honest say "baby, can you ease up, speed up, move left, move right, ooohhhhh right there"! Talk to him, he wont know if he is doing it right unless you tell him. I know we all want to spare the feelings of our bed mate, but lets be honest, who wants to have plain old crappy sex forever.
So think about it, you be honest and say baby, I really like it when you go there........(use your imagination), and guess what happens, he does it more. Voila you are getting yours! Because lets face it, all men want to be the stud who delivers. If he rocks your world, chances are he is going to get more, and what guy doesn't want more sex???
This rule also goes for guys. I think there is nothing hotter than when my hubby says "baby can you do that thing I like". It makes me feel good, its reassurance that I can please him, which at the end of the day is my goal. Now I know some things might be a bit much, Your partner may want to do something that your not quite comfortable with yet, but that's okay, just set him/her down easily. You never want to hurt your lovers feelings, because then you might see that they aren't honest with you again. But if the request is just odd, but not totally against your ethics, just go with it, you never know, you may like it!

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