Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Missionary Impossible......

I have had a bit of writers block as of late, probably due to the fact that I personally cannot have sex for at least the next two months, because of my high risk pregnancy. So this kinda throws a kink in my blogging plans, as most of my posts are inspired by my bedroom escapades. Anyways, my husband came up with this topic last night, so I'm just going to roll with it.
Positions, there have got to be a million, some only attainable by the very limber, and some just stick to the tried and true missionary. I happen to love the missionary position, but do like to venture out into the risque on occasion as well. Some of my faves include: doggie, girl on top, girl on top, backwards (meaning you face the opposite direction) and on the side. There are a whole slew of others which I will go over, so sticking to the age old missionary is not necessary, (unless this really does it for you). When trying new positions its always good to have a few props on hand. A pillow or two to prop up the hips, there are also sex wedges on the market today that simply blow up, and they come in various sizes and shapes, to help make out there positions more comfortable. Lube is also always a must, as sex is ALWAYS better with lube. The rest are not necessary but will make the event more spectacular, music, candles, and a sexy little getup. Pillows are widely underestimated, we tend to lay flat on our backs and wonder why that special spot isn't getting enough stimulation. Prop up those hips ladies, and get that perfect angle. Also when doing doggie, try laying over a stack of pillows, it sure beats a sore lower back. I also tell people sex is not just for in the bed, try using the bed in multiple ways, for example, have your lover stand at the edge of the bed, while you are on your back, propped up on pillows with your legs in the air. Shower sex, counter sex, and floor sex are also highly recommended, of course if you have kids, you might need to tone down the location. Now back to new positions. I will post a list below, have fun trying them out.

Now remember these are just a few to get you thinking, there are an infinite number of positions to try. Just keep in mind that keeping things fresh and new, keep your sex life active, and exciting.
Tip for today..... Try an out of the box position tonight, don't forget the lube and pillows ;-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Whats in your toy box?

 So I have been crazy busy lately, and haven't been able to post, but some one on one action today got me thinking about a new one. Lets talk about TOYS, and I'm not talking about the ones that you pick up off the floor for the umpteenth time, I'm talking about the one that is stuffed between your mattress and box spring. Vibrators have been used forever, in fact the first one was patented in 1880, so what does that tell you? That people are embarrassed and ashamed needlessly.
  I am a firm believer in masturbation, whether done by hand, or by dildo the outcome can relieve both stress and a multitude of other problems, so why the shame. Is it the penis shaped instrument, or what? My thought is how can you expect your significant other to satisfy you, if you cannot do it yourself. So go play with yourself, take a minute when the kids are napping, and just explore. I would recommend looking at the goods, get a hand mirror and check things out, feel around, see what feels nice, and remember lube is always a plus! Now if your interested in toys, there are about a gazillion on the market these days, bunny ears, (another word for, clitoris stimulators) plain old penis shaped ones, g-spot stimulators, bullets, and the list goes on and on.... whatever your pleasure try them out, because an orgasm brought on in less than 30 seconds sure beats a sore hand.    
Any questions and recommendations welcome. I also have a few faves, like the butterfly bliss, love it!
PS.... Vibrators are great to use with your partner, try having him use it on you during intercourse, having your clitoris stimulated during penetration is the absolute BEST!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Does this make my butt look big?

Now ladies that is the age old question,  but you already know the answer your going to get. Do you really think your man is going to say, "yes baby, your ass is huge"! Unless your man is suicidal, his response is going to be "no baby, your butt looks fine". So ladies get this little tidbit, your man really isn't as into how many dimples you have acquired lately as you are. The bottom line is if they are happy in their sex lives, and marriage, than chances are they could care less about the firmness of your derriere. We as women tend to obsess over things we cannot change. Yes, we can spend extra time in the gym, and I encourages being healthy. Perfection is unattainable however, and that is something we all must learn to accept. Now moving on to feeling sexy in the bedroom. We can stand in front of the mirror and tear ourselves apart, or we can slip on that sexy body stocking and rock it like the porn stars we want to be. Yes I said body stocking. I have found that particular item to make even the most voluptuous of ladies look and feel hot. There is something about crotchless lingerie that really does a guy in. So ladies tip of the day.... Just forget about your insecurities, and try and pretend you have an ass like J-Lo, my motto, "fake it till you make it"!!!